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Travis took over tg now? Is Sam ever gonna come


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Sam is still here and will always be :)

Dantes Stan (¤, ¤) | DON'T DM FOR ETH|$$
Sam is still here and will always be :)

I really hope people are more tactful in the way they try to interact with him moving forward. The way some people were pestering him while he was busy working was completely out of line. If someone gives you access to them, specially someone who is in a position that is usually not easily reachable and insulated from the public sphere, don’t abuse that access as it’ll only lead to them wanting to distance themselves. Which I would argue there should always be a healthy amount of distance just for one’s own mental health bandwidth but obviously that amount is particular to each individual. But yeah, just don’t be annoying and don’t forget it’s just another person on the other side of the screen so try to treat them in the way you’d like to be treated if you were in their position.

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