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Yelllow peps! Does anyone knows where I can find a detail

info about DVPN tokenomics?

26 ответов

65 просмотров

Google it

Agostinho-Serra Автор вопроса
Pixi Frog 👾 | Sentinel DePin
Google it

Wow... what a answer... 😄 Hope this is not the representation of this comunity... I just got here! 😄 I already google it. I could find especifics about the Token Vesting Schedule

Hey, you can find it in here; https://docs.sentinel.co/getting-started/dvpn-coin/overview

Agostinho-Serra Автор вопроса
Hey, you can find it in here; https://docs.sentin...

Yes I already read those, thank you Mohi. 😄 But I was looking for something more specific... like details on the Token Vesting Schedule and so

Agostinho Serra
Yes I already read those, thank you Mohi. 😄 But I ...

oh :) I'm not sure if there's more than that available at the moment but the team is always updating docs, so they'll most likely add more info in the future

U said "tokenomics" So u could find it with a Google search. Token vesting schedule is different thing. Please ask your question in right way.

Agostinho Serra
Yes I already read those, thank you Mohi. 😄 But I ...

i think its somewhere in pinned messages haha you might have to scroll a bit tho not sure exactly where

Agostinho-Serra Автор вопроса
Super_Dimentio Garcia
I think everything is vested now

I'm going to try and search some more.... thank you Super!

Agostinho-Serra Автор вопроса
Si11y Lama
i think its somewhere in pinned messages haha you ...

Already search there also eheheh but I'm gonna look again... thx!

Agostinho-Serra Автор вопроса
Pixi Frog 👾 | Sentinel DePin
U said "tokenomics" So u could find it with a Goog...

Token Vesting Schedule is part of the Tokenomics DOCs. Please answer in a more appropriate way. Thank you.

Agostinho-Serra Автор вопроса
Agostinho Serra
Token Vesting Schedule is part of the Tokenomics D...

🚨 BREAKING: Over SEVEN BILLION DVPN (worth over 3m USD/EUR) from the Sentinel Foundation's wallet has just been locked into a five year staking contract (via Proposal 16). https://www.mintscan.io/sentinel/txs/AA6DBBF2911C47819AD10430730C5510D99B2086FF33376295E44DA6E6AF9C00 Nearly 40% of the current total supply of DVPN is now locked until at least 2027.

Agostinho Serra
Token Vesting Schedule is part of the Tokenomics D...

🏛 Proposal 49 (Sentinel Growth DAO requests allocation of Community Fund) opened for voting yesterday. The project's community arm, the Sentinel Growth DAO, has requested 54 million Sentinel Coins (approximately 115k USD/EUR) to continue funding their initiatives. The DAO was previously granted 250 million Sentinel Coins by Proposal 35 in September of last year, and then 60 million more by Proposal 46 in December. In their request for continued funding, the DAO has pointed to several successful initiatives that the last round of funding was used for, including two whitelabels, the Sentinel flagship application, the development of Sentinel's JavaScript development kit (SDK), and a native blockchain explorer for the project, and the launch of dVPN.news (DISCLAIMER: SIN is a contributor to that website). The DAO says that the new round of funding will be used to create a Sentinel presence at Cosmoverse 2024 in Dubai, and assist in getting Sentinel's Raspberry Pi hardware nodes on to the consumer market; in addition to more investments in project development and outreach of the sort we described earlier. Proposal 49's voting period will end on April 4th. Full proposal: https://www.mintscan.io/sentinel/proposals/49 Commonwealth discussion: https://commonwealth.im/sentinel/discussion/16670-proposal-49-sentinel-growth-dao-requests-allocation-of-community-fund Related S.I.N. stories: 👉 Proposal 35 opens for voting 👉 Proposal 46 opens for voting

Agostinho Serra
Token Vesting Schedule is part of the Tokenomics D...

U should follow proposal to understand it. It's not a fix plan table

Agostinho-Serra Автор вопроса
Agostinho Serra
Just added to my read pile! Thank you 😉

Everything you need to learn about Sentinel: https://docs.sentinel.co https://dvpn.news

Agostinho Serra
Wow... what a answer... 😄 Hope this is not the re...

I am sorry for this answer you have received, really disappointing. @black_frog I don't want to see answers like this anymore. We are here everyday but new members need to be helped and addressed properly

Trinity Validator (Will NEVER dm you)
I am sorry for this answer you have received, real...

Can u add a command like /tokenomics or /doc to answer like this question easily? I think some commands can help new members

Pixi Frog 👾 | Sentinel DePin
Can u add a command like /tokenomics or /doc to an...

I don’t think that’s opportunistic , I think referencing to docs.sentinel.co should be enough

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