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📣 I address the community of Sentinel supporters. Now real

game begins.

For the very first time, we've introduced something, that is extremely easy to share and use. Our @dvpnbot for less than 24 hours since release hit number of 1500 active users. No single product based on Sentinel showed that fast growth as this one. We're aiming on hitting over 10K of active users within next 7 days, which is absolutely possible and doable.

You can contribute to Sentinel's success too, no matter who you are. Here's what you can do:

1. Share https://t.me/dvpnbot with your friends and family via DM — let them know about it and let them try it. Do not underestimate word-of-mouth power — it can be huge.

2. Use all your social media presence to share the link to the bot — especially in Telegram channels, if you have any followers. Even small channels with 50-100 followers can do good impact. Twitter (or X) is also powerful thing, but Telegram is #1 priority as of now. Please always try to emphasise that this solution is meant for mobile devices (Android + iOS). We'll have separate campaign for desktops in couple weeks from now (for sake of better user acquisition).

3. Submit your reviews and ratings to Google Play, App Store, HUAWEI App Gallery and Samsung Galaxy Store for VPN QuickClient helper app, to ensure we create trustworthy environment for new users, who are always a bit suspicous. Here are the links:

Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.norselabs.vpnq
Galaxy Store: https://galaxystore.samsung.com/detail/io.norselabs.vpnq
HUAWEI AppGallery: https://appgallery.huawei.com/app/C111434263
Apple App Store: https://apps.apple.com/app/vpn-quickclient/id6553962969

All above mentioned steps will help us to quickly gather good number of users and make whole Telegram community aware of DVPN technology and Sentinel. It will have consequential positive impact on the price of the $DVPN token as well as it will give us a good foundation of users we'll be able to communicate with via bot, delivering our updates and promotions.

At the time of development I didn't even realised what we're about to create. But it seems like this Telegram bot is going to be one of the biggest growing products on Sentinel and it has a potential we all need to unleash. So let's do it together.

3 ответов

30 просмотров

1500k How many are Iranian? 😉

Lessgo Fam! 💙🔥

Very cool.

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