209 похожих чатов

I have a question please. I unsubscribed from my worker

node yesterday and started it again, but it seems the worker node had some error messages. I started it again and I've just noticed that voting does not seem to be happening anymore from the WN. For those that are running WN, does this look like the WN is enabled?

6 ответов

6 просмотров

You need to wait for the next reward epoch

Jamal Friz
You need to wait for the next reward epoch

You can check the next epoch reward here. https://smartflow.ewchain.io

Ensure you create the ticket under Smart Flow Alpha> Missing Votes

RJ-A Автор вопроса
Samuel | EW
Ensure you create the ticket under Smart Flow Alph...

Okay. I'll do that now. By the way, does anyone know what this mean?

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