209 похожих чатов

~°_°~ Delight, [10/04/2024 06:40] Hello everyone, Can someone help me understand please. Not

easy to express without a screenshot, so I'll try to describe it:
I explore the site, and in the withdraw section, just below "you will receive", appears the amount that I will receive ok, but just below this amount, there is another amount a little higher, what is what does that mean please?

Same thing higher up on this same page of the Vault, there is on the far left "Total deposited, USDT", then on the far right the last value "Value in USDT", this is the value of my total acquired I presume ok, but just below there is another, higher amount, written in smaller font with a "?" surrounded on the right, a tooltip, which tells me when I point at it: "Your yield is accruying every singleblock. Go you!"

Nice, but what does this amount correspond to please?
Thanks for your help.

~°_°~ Delight, [10/04/2024 06:43]
one more question please : when i go back to the main page of the vaults, filtering on "holding" column to see my holdings first ok, the amount of "deposited" portfolio (in the left high corner) is slightly higher than the amount i see in detail of this same vault ? why such a difference please ?

1 ответов

7 просмотров

Amount of tokens vs $ value of those tokens You might have 10 USDT deposited, and this is worth $10.1. Re your second question, you in multiple vaults?

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