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There is no exact date for the merger yet, as the voting is not finalized. However, it is expected to be in the beginning of May [1]. Generated using AwesomeQA AI. Please rate this answer. 👍

There is no exact date for the merger yet, as the ...

so ocean token will be no longer and is going to be called ASI token. Is this correct

Danil | Never DM first Kovtoniuk
Yes, thats correct

ok cheers. sad to see the legacy name go

ok cheers. sad to see the legacy name go

Why? I think a new name is good too

KreigDK | Never DM first🌊
Why? I think a new name is good too

You think a new name is good which is your opinion, but I don't think it is as we investors grew up with ocean protocol. Your transfer from a to b is ocean token, which represents the native ocean protocol company. Now future transfers will be a combination threesome which is fet, agix and ocean. You have one token representing these 3 companies. So when comes new generation investors, they are not going to know much about ocean or agix etc when the token is ASI.

You think a new name is good which is your opinion...

It's not quite like that. I agree that Ocean has a great story. But, even after the merger, all three companies remain. Each foundation — Fetch, Ocean Protocol, and SingularityNET — will remain as independent legal entities, with the existing leadership, teams, communities and token treasury) In short, the Ocean Protocol community will remain💪. We will continue to develop and evolve the community and our products)

There is no exact date for the merger yet, as the ...

What do's the price from the 3 tokens if its merges? They are not the same price now. And do i neet the swap my ocean protocool tokens to asi?

Jimmy Jonko
What do's the price from the 3 tokens if its merge...

The price of ASI at the time of the merger will be the same as the FET token

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