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What'S everyone's thoughts on buying EHEX now?

8 ответов

6 просмотров
Brad- Автор вопроса
You think it can came back?

Ofcourse it does! Always choose the opposite of what the sentiment is telling you unless critic fundamentals have changed. In my opinion that is not the case for eHEX.

Ofcourse it does! Always choose the opposite of wh...

I think that not having the support of the founder changes the fundamentals of ehex. I think also that this doesn't mean that it will not go up anymore

You think it can came back?

Assuming the Ethereum foundation one day actually fixes Ethereum, then most certainly as that would cause HEX on Ethereum to restore its DeFi utility, thus pumping its derivative eHEX. If Ethereum never gets fixed, eHEX can still be proxy staked via its staking derivatives bridged over to Pulsechain. So it is still functional, but only to those that use Pulsechain network.

Andrea A
I think that not having the support of the founder...

The founder has no admin keys to the contract. Nobody does. The fundamentals of HEX on Ethereum are currently hostage to Ethereum and its foundation that increased the gas cost for reading blockchain data by 52x since Ethereum exists. So, the destiny of HEX on Ethereum is mainly in Vitalik's hands.

Nenad [I won't dm you]
The founder has no admin keys to the contract. Nob...

https://imgur.com/a/I361fM3 PLS is the native coin of the Pulsechain Network and therefor doesn't have a contract address (same as ETH doesn't have one). DEX Website https://app.pulsex.com The PLSX contract. Decimal: 18 0x95b303987a60c71504d99aa1b13b4da07b0790ab The INC contract. Decimal: 18 0x2fa878Ab3F87CC1C9737Fc071108F904c0B0C95d The HEX contract. Decimal: 8 0x2b591e99afE9f32eAA6214f7B7629768c40Eeb39 Alternatively click the "Fox" icon On PulseX next to a token to add it to metamask automatically.

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