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Hi all, just joined. I would like to learn about

real world implementations of the protocol and data NFTs, are there some good examples that I can check out?

13 ответов

7 просмотров

Hello Brad! Sure Give me a moment 😎

Ocean Protocol is a decentralized data exchange protocol designed to drive AI by facilitating the monetization of AI models and data while preserving privacy. Its core technologies include Data NFTs and datatokens, which enable token-gated access control, data wallets, data DAOs, and more. Additionally, Ocean's Compute-to-Data technology allows the buying and selling of private data while preserving privacy. To learn more about creating your own data NFT using Ocean libraries, you can refer to the tutorial on creating a data NFT https://docs.oceanprotocol.com/developers/ocean.js/creating-datanft

About examples. I think DataUnion will be a great example. https://www.dataunion.app/ And of course you will find many more examples of the use of Ocean Protocol technologies on our ecosystems page https://oceanprotocol.com/explore/ecosystem/.😎

Brad |-Co-Founder & CEO Автор вопроса
KreigDK | Never DM first🌊
Ocean Protocol is a decentralized data exchange pr...

Has Ocean data NFTs been used to store product inventory in retail scenarios?

Brad | Co-Founder & CEO
Has Ocean data NFTs been used to store product inv...

Hello, its very complicated question.In general, The purpose of Ocean data NFTs is to represent the holding of the copyright or base intellectual property (IP) of a data asset. I think that Ocean data NFTs can, for example data NFTs can stablish ownership rights, enabling data owners to transfer or sell their data

Danil | Never DM first Kovtoniuk
Hello, its very complicated question.In general, T...

Yeah, thank you! Ocean data NFTs have primarily been used for data sharing and monetization. They enable secure, decentralized, and transparent access to data, which can be useful for various applications.

Brad |-Co-Founder & CEO Автор вопроса
KreigDK | Never DM first🌊
Ocean Protocol is a decentralized data exchange pr...

one example? Is there a list of implementations, or is it so early that only one project can demonstrate real world implementation of the protocol?

Brad | Co-Founder & CEO
one example? Is there a list of implementations, o...

On this point, I reccommend to overview this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VP86CvXIM-g

Danil | Never DM first Kovtoniuk
On this point, I reccommend to overview this video...

Trent McConaghy - Founder of Ocean Protocol mentioned real implementations of data NFTs

Brad | Co-Founder & CEO
one example? Is there a list of implementations, o...

I was just giving one good example we have quite a few examples) Which you can find on our ecosystem page But, just in case, here are a couple more examples of how our technology can be used. https://www.datalatte.com/ https://acentrik.io/

Brad |-Co-Founder & CEO Автор вопроса
Danil | Never DM first Kovtoniuk
On this point, I reccommend to overview this video...

That is an hour and a half long video. Do you have the timestamp of these mentions, or the content of his answers please? I am trying to learn about the protocol in use in projects today please, just examples so I can learn more at this point.

Brad | Co-Founder & CEO
That is an hour and a half long video. Do you have...

Please check out these examples https://t.me/oceanprotocol_community/373889.

Brad | Co-Founder & CEO
That is an hour and a half long video. Do you have...

I would highly recommend visiting our ecosystem page, which features many great projects related to data NFTs. For more clarity, visit our official page where you'll find a lot of information about Datatokens and Data NFTs. https://oceanprotocol.com/learn/data-nfts-and-data-tokens/

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