210 похожих чатов

I didn't understand single thing how I migrate from old

bsc to new bsc?

3 ответов

6 просмотров

Please read the migration guide above. Or see the YouTube tutorial

Is a two step process. Migrate to evm using ptoken bridge. Then use bridge.telos.net If it’s a small amount technically there might be enough liquidity to swap on pancake swap

Step 1. Bridge to telos https://x.com/mosaicbp/status/1800312498454749369?s=46&t=8brOiGtdrXUw-dj0PrVo1Q Step 2. Bridge back to bsc https://x.com/mosaicbp/status/1800564819218891065?s=46&t=8brOiGtdrXUw-dj0PrVo1Q

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