209 похожих чатов

Where can i buy Xmr when im based in germany.

Maybe Kucoin or somewhere else?

8 ответов

4 просмотра

you need money to buy

buy from a swap site like stealthex.io

will you swap for ripple

swap for ripple

Buy LTC at any exchange, then swap for xmr at majesticbank dot sc, or wizardswap dot com, or tradeogre dot com, more exchanges listed at kycnotme dot com

Buy LTC at any exchange, then swap for xmr at maje...

Wizardswap has never loaded for me :( I just buy in cash from the homies now

Just use trocador.app lol

Trocador is great, I was just giving options to buy crypto with kyc. Trocador only swaps crypto for crypto, the guy wanted a fiat-crypto option I understand

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