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What if I provide liquidity steth/eth on curve ?

3 ответов

8 просмотров

Curve or liquidity pools specifically: the rewards go to the pool, but since you are entitled to your share of the increasing pool, you’ll withdraw the rewards once you withdraw your liquidity BUT ONLY assuming if there’s no impermanent loss - so there’s no guarantee of staking rewards when LPing. You’re probably better off collateralizing stETH to borrow instead.

Oshikuru- Автор вопроса
cryptodenier (will NOT dm first)
Curve or liquidity pools specifically: the rewards...

I think that I understand what you mean to say for LPing... But what is my benefit if I borrow more crypto ? i can trade and loose more ..

I think that I understand what you mean to say for...

Yeah I was giving an example eg. you can borrow tokens to use in DeFi strategies, so if you wanted to LP or stake a different token in a different pool you can do that but also have the stETH staking rewards as collateral. You do need to be cautious not to get liquidated though.

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