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Https://X.Com/Censoredmen/Status/1814143743143899559?S=46 Trump might be great for Bitcoin. He already is causing

splits in the community by being at the Bitcoin Conference, and now he is calling out Bukele, a BTC hero!
Just waiting for him to call Saylor a loser.

4 ответов

19 просмотров

Trump's views towards Bitcoin is whatever will win him more votes. He will go pro or anti bitcoin mattering what his voter reports/surveys tell him Anyone that thinks he has a personal opinion either way is super naive as this is probably a niche issue to him compared to stuff like migration and the border for example.

Alex- Автор вопроса
Trump's views towards Bitcoin is whatever will win...

Ofc — that’s not the point I was making, though

Hubert ™
Hell no

Enlighten me then

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