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VIP-353 [Ethereum] Risk Parameters Adjustments (WETH) This VIP will perform the

following Risk Parameter actions as per Chaos Labs’ latest recommendations in this Venus community forum publication: Chaos Labs - Risk Parameter Updates - 08/02/24.

- WETH (Liquid Staked ETH):
- Reduce Collateral Factor, from 90% to 0%
- Increase Kink, from 80% to 90%
- Increase Multiplier, from 3.5% to 4.5%
- Increase Reserve Factor, from 15% to 25%

Complete analysis and details of these recommendations are available in the above publication.

Please note that reducing the collateral factor to 0% will not cause current borrowers to be liquidated as the liquidation threshold will not be modified.


- VIP simulation

Disclaimer for Ethereum VIPs

Privilege commands on Ethereum will be executed by the Guardian wallet, until the Multichain Governance contracts are fully enabled. If this VIP passes, this multisig transaction will be executed. Otherwise, it will be rejected.

Vote 🗳 https://app.venus.io/#/governance/proposal/353?chainId=56

1 ответов

15 просмотров

So , even tho I looped weth, with collateral factor at 0% and Liquidation threshold at 93% I won't be liquidated ?

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