Why does it matter? This is pulsechain chat. Keep your bs with yourself
admins here are angry
Don't ask for admins, just ask your question & provide enough DETAILS. Admins: @bpkdasbaum @lozuk @hexy_vip @Han_Ke22 @WannabeGodMinnow @Benzenoid @diamondgirl73 SCAMMERS will direct message (DM) you DO NOT REPLY TO THEM. NEVER SHARE YOUR SEED WORDS. SUPPORT ONLY HERE
👤 Notsick (afk, will not reply) (Plankton LVL 1) Reputation: 0 Level: 1 (36/100) Warns: 0 Joined: 2024-02-26 21:54:15 Days since joined: 187
You came here and started being rasist. Admin warned you deleted your message and u still here picking at admins. Take some rest.
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