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How does AAVE decide which chains to add to their


6 ответов

10 просмотров

Governance (voting)

Cire- Автор вопроса

Are EVM compatible chains the only available options or are more permitted?

Follow this guide : https://governance.aave.com/t/aip-from-idea-to-implementation-to-execution/202 Example : For RAI https://governance.aave.com/t/arc-add-support-for-rai/3862 https://app.aave.com/governance/17-QmZmGy1Bm1v3pPdJdYCCe7EyujW2i169eNq6txpQg4NsSn

Cire- Автор вопроса

So its not EVM exclusive then?

Interoperability to multiplechain is on pipeline, nothing has been state but you can ask info on discord #developers aave.com/discord

Cire- Автор вопроса

Cool cool ty.

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