fees but I can't unstake. What happens?
Is only every 2 weeks you can. I believe if did not read wrong the paper.
You can unstake at anytime.
I've staked 3 months ago. Is it normal that I can't unstake?
Where you staked?
in Shibaswap
Is your transaction still pending?
no, the transaction is success. I pay the fees but I have xShib again
Ok you have left the dog park, you'll have to do it again.
and pay one more time the eth?
Sorry, I was mistaken.
me han pasado un tutorial de cómo hacer el unstake. Veo que lo que debería ser fácil no lo es tanto, hay que jugar con el gas etc, Dios, para que luego me vuelvan a cobrar las fees y no pueda hacer el unstake. Es de locos
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