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Hey folks, i read https://github.com/yearn/yearn-pm/blob/master/financials/reports/2021Q2-yearn-quarterly-report.pdf and wonder how curve based

vaults are so profitable?

4 ответов

6 просмотров

One reason as stated in the report is that overall crv price has increased over Q2 so that helped profitability. Another is that Curve.fi is a good reliable system and you can farm there mostly with little IL

parody- Автор вопроса

how to isolate the revenue generated by yearn without any crv rewards on top? i am trying to gauge the dependency on crv rewards fyi

Banteg posted this on his Twitter a while back. Would be hard to determine from that report

You could just subtract crv vaults from the revenue they earned, would be decent but not 100% right

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