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17 просмотров

Choose one of this legit ways to earn rewards, all are good: - Voting system (no energy is needed): https://tron7010.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043589352-How-to-Vote-and-Gain-Reward - Pool and stake in Justswap https://justswap.io/ https://justswap.io/mining/ - Mining SUN https://sun.io - Add liquidity to stablecoin pool https://sun.io/?lang=en-US#/3pool https://sun.io/?lang=en-US#/usdc - Liquidity Mining in JustLend https://JustLend.org https://justlend.org/#/miningPool You have a lot of ways to earn with TRON and protect your investments. For those options that require energy it’s always better to freeze at least 5000 TRX for energy. Otherwise you will pay fees for the transactions. Freezing TRX is important not only to get free TRX but also to have free transactions daily. Here you can check the amount of resources you need for almost any transaction: https://tronpulse.io/ [not official tool]

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