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As a beginner in a crypto group, often you will

hear/see a recurring theme especially during times of F.U.D and Red Seas...

Theme: Don't sell your coins cheap to the whales...

Then you think to yourself... what is this annoying fella going on and on about??? What whales?? I'm selling it back to the market... I want to protect my capital...

Today... I want to tell you a story... about the powers that be...

They hold the reins of the world... political, military, monetary policy... whatever... you name it.. they are in charge..

They tell you bitcoin is fake.... yet they hold large quantities of it... for what???
Well as a weapon of course...

September has generally been a bloody month, hence this sentiment is ever-present in our mindset... yet market was pumping for days and suddenly out of nowhere it dump at the day El Salvador made Bitcoin as a legal tender... How?? Why???

How-> I believe the powers that be that were holding large quantities of bitcoin were selling it... this cause a cascading liquidation which wiped out over-leveraged margin/futures traders followed by break out traders(usually bots with split second reaction time) shorting the market... (some of them got liquidated too because market promptly recovered when it hit strong support at ranges of minus 30 percent..
This pushed up most coins to be hovering at a range of minus 10 to 20 percent)

Why-> This is the protest dump instigated by the powers that be to scare El Salvador and the market as a whole...

What does this mean?
If you cut loss and sold your coins at a loss... It means... you have essentially gave these instigators which weaponised bitcoin more munition to burn you in the future...

What should you do? (Not financial advice)
Don't sell at the time when market is extremely down... wait for it to recover... you could also use this opportunity to average down and make your bags more plentiful and reduce your average price...
Don't fall victim to the manipulators and malicious instigators...

When these bad actors would go so low as to weaponised something they call as fake to scare you out of it....
What more proof do you need that this "fake currency" is here to stay...

Does our currency holding power give you confidence?
If it does... you wouldn't be here won't you??

4 ответов

12 просмотров


Very true

Will ftm deep continue all through this week

Yi Qian-Tan Автор вопроса

DCA if it dip further.. you should know we are down due to btc misbehaving

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