209 похожих чатов

Special announcement, thougts? Personally I do not think it will

be a catalyst as Hedera does not hype and do things of that nature. I Personally think it will be something exciting for the community that is community based. Something to reward fans, users or maybe something they are working on as a company but not something that will effect price.

Maybe a contest, maybe a feature but not a partnership. Not a new GC member, not a new logo and not anything hype related or related to price as they would never do that. If you follow Hedera you should know they do not do things especially talk ahead about something that could have an impact on price

4 ответов

12 просмотров


It will be auction. Gomint is among validators. You already know...😉

Peter G. Uliano-Uliano Автор вопроса

We are a validator but I honestly do not know a thing

👍😀 Just trying if you will tell something more. 😅 This is the most probable in my opinion.

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