209 похожих чатов

I honestly don't know anything anymore. Who could have expected

any of these coins doing this well? Seriously. 2.2 trillion total marketcap. Well, to put it in perspective the dot com bubble was 8 trillion and we didn't have a global inflation crisis. To be honest I am waiting for one coin. Haven't found it yet. Something like filecoin or arweave without messed up allocation and that is usable. A utility token with a fixed supply used for a storage, bandwidth, computing, market. Honestly if such a coin gets it right and maintains network effects, I don't think I would hold any other cash or crypto. I guess some can argue any token platform could have something that does this... idk I'm still looking, but not too hard. Everything is really bonkers right now. But I always panic at manic phases cuz ptsd 😂

1 ответов

3 просмотра

Let us know when you find it dude

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