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An idea i had which needs confirmation on one part. “Smart

Swap Contracts”
Dedicated contracts built into the rvn blockchain.

Features, super simple, wallet A offers asset A for asset B. Wallet B sends asset B to a temporarily generated rvn swap address to fulfill the contract. Once this is done both parties receive their assets after the transactions are complete.

Uses, NFT markets using backend software to automate this for buting nfts or selling them effortlessly. Exchanges that could offer multiple RVN based currencies like the opendao X rvn stablecoin.

I need confirmation on whether the blockchain can actually add new features?
Also what do you think.

17 ответов

26 просмотров

So, what do you think is what RVN is missing in order to get the higher position? For example, is the NFT market something RVN is missing out on right now?

JoJuice- Автор вопроса

Im going to think about my answer real quick. Just want to add the depth it needs.

no rush :)

Missing Elon

RVN has had the ability to create NFTs since 2018. You can create a unique asset and use IPFS to attach any metadata. Currently, there are a few markets available to trade Ravencoin NFTs. https://marketplace.justnfts.io/product-category/auction/?swcfpc=1 and https://www.rvnft.art/nft-marketplace/

JoJuice- Автор вопроса

Okay, i think its requiring more access. Right now we only have the access to what we have had for a WHILE. But RVN being an “asset aware” blockchain. We should focus on making all uses for assets easier and simpler. The access we need is to smart ways of using these assets within rvn. That would really make it aware, aware of the possibilities. Right no its just and asset blockchain without 3rd party services.

JoJuice- Автор вопроса

My teethz lookin good!

I have a hunch that the main purpose of RVN is the NFT market...I mean..mining is good I invest thousands to help RVN mine right now...the circulation and capital movement is quite good...but I do not see NFT market for RVN...I don't like NFT, but have we choice? Also...I can't wait for ETH to give up POW....then I think RVN will have a shot..but ...do we have our bases covered to become number 1 POW? I don't know..ERGO could be a problem..

The main function of the Ravencoin blockchain is the creation, tokenization and transfer of assets.

very nice market, small but I may buy something just to get things going..

Yeah he can help 🤣

mauhuaha nice!

Stop worrying about Elon and worry about promoting, marketing and adopting the blockchain.

I imagine it will grow when people get tired of paying ridiculous fees on erc20 chains.

daamn RVN is cheap for transfers

FUK..RVN beat ETh accross the board, it was well though of

JoJuice- Автор вопроса

I made a game built into the ipfs of a rvn nft. Now if eth beats that ill be suprised

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