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@Cop4200 posted in Function X Forum: Dapps Mining and R&D


Hi, I was going through some articles to figure out how many coins have been allocated for R&D for FX ecosystem. From my understanding, 20% of EGF funds have been allocated for development of Dapps.
Question 1: 20% of ICO were reserved for engineering. Are these funds being used for team R&D or was this the team’s stake in the project?
Question 2: looking at the fx coin distribution table for ne...

1 ответов

10 просмотров

No funds of the EGF have been allocated to anything yet, ico funds are not FX funds as far as I'm aware, allocations of ICO funds would be stored in it's own storage, no point doing math on the project funds management it's a private business they will not share you details.

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