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Another failed influencer just like solider boy?

9 ответов

13 просмотров

As scummy as souljaboy is - we pumped like crazy that night.

John- Автор вопроса

He deleted the bdc post so it was really pointless

How do you know this? Sounds like an assumption. I wouldn't be so hung up on it.

We don't even know if money was involved, or how much. So I don't think we can jump to that

John- Автор вопроса

Assumption? I went to his account and the post is gone, everything else is there

John- Автор вопроса

Yes I'm sure he did it out of the kindness of his heart

Exactly. Could be a formality, you don't know. So with that said, don't be so hung up about it. It is what it is. No harm.

Maybe he is a friend of bdf. Who knows. Lol. We can assume lots of things

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