210 похожих чатов

Hello Admin, can you asnwer some questions about participating in

IEOs on Gate io ?

9 ответов

2 просмотра

DAO Marker (DAO) The startup sale is designed for Starpunk ‘s DAO Maker SHO portion.

Jerry-Singh Автор вопроса

Thanks, so final answer, we need to hold DAO Maker's DAO tokens, (minimum 100) to participate, correct ?

Jerry-Singh Автор вопроса

Great, and do we need to have to hold the tokens for a certain days to be eligible ?

Yes, user need agree to lock up their DAO for a period of 10 days

Jerry-Singh Автор вопроса

Thanks and the lockup period has to be 10 days before the start of the sale or 10 days after the sale ?

Lockup period will start when the StarPunk startup start

Jerry-Singh Автор вопроса

Great, thanks heaps :)

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