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Still should be able to send out NEO and GAS

tokens from old Neon wallet for one year, correct?

6 ответов

15 просмотров

Even though there is no official date, It is about a year for now.

M- Автор вопроса

Do I have to do the migration first or can I send out from my NEON wallet? Ledger supported yet?

Yes, Neon Ledger is now supported. Video guide: How to migrate NEO & GAS tokens to Neo N3 using Ledger on Neon Wallet https://youtu.be/dyPwOvQuH9E

Be careful with scammers sending DM's willing to help you migrate or sending fake Links.

M- Автор вопроса

Thank you. I can send my GAS first as a test run and then NEO. Do I need to leave any GAS for a fee when migrating NEO?

According to its new economic model, there are no more free transactions on Neo N3. The Neo Foundation has allocated 200K GAS to subsidize these costs on N3. However, in order to prevent this subsidy from spam and exploitation, a 1 GAS fee is required and deducted on the Neo Legacy side in cases where the migration amount is less than 10 NEO or 20 GAS.

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