209 похожих чатов

Dear friend, I do not know why you are so

arrogantly defending, why do not you accept that nano should make changes in order to preserve people's capital and not be destroyed like other currencies, and also that currencies that are the opposite of animals are problematic?

5 ответов

6 просмотров

Sell all the Nano and get out of the group. We don't need bad investors here who don't understand anything about what Nano was created for. And stop crying about your bad investments.

Mohamdreza- Автор вопроса

My dear friend, tell me, why was nano created that my investment has not grown at all, but its value has also decreased a lot?

Don't be rude, the guy is just a bit frustrated because of losing value. It's understandable. We can help by explaining :)

He doesn't understand a word of advice or explanation. It's the only way to deal with people like him.

Mohamdreza- Автор вопроса

Loghman Hakim was told that he learned literature from what he learned, and that he was rude

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