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Interested in your opinions: can cryptocurrency ever become a real

everyday "money", in the face of CBDCs and crypto bans?
Say I start a business in a country that banned crypto payments - I will be forced to use the centralised controlled money, through which the government can control me.
CBDCs are coming soon, and those that are in power unlikely to ever allow that control escaping their hands due to use of truly distributed uncontrollable alternatives.
Do you think, realistically, money can ever become free and belonging to people?

6 ответов

12 просмотров

Short answer: yes. Longer answer: yes, look at the attempts of any controlling power to ban/outlaw the use of something which the people want. Take the alcohol prohibition in the US, or the still ongoing 'war on drugs', for example. Something can only be definably and enforcedly illegal if the people desire to use/obtain the thing being banned is less than the govs desire to stiffle it. Which isn't very often.

Azat-Mingalimov Автор вопроса

But for most people CBDC or distributed alternative - doesn't really make much difference. If CBDC will appear and a distributed alternative will be outlawed - I don't see people fighting this. What does a free distributed alternative bring to people, that CBDC can not - privacy, uncontrollability? Most people don't care about these things. I'm from Russia btw, and I know that people here won't lift a finger for something like that. Granted, there are few individuals that care A LOT, but the majority really doesn't give a damn about these things - they don't understand the difference, they lack knowledge and education to understand these things, and they lack the will and desire to educate themselves. So according to what you wrote - it's impossible to free money. Because the government's desire to prohibit the use of free money is much stronger than the people's desire to use it. Hence my question. I liked a lot the article by Daniel Jeffries on Hackernoon about the death of cash. If you've maybe read it or interested in giving it a look - it'd be interesting to read what you think about it. I myself feel like powers that be won't give up control of money without a physical revolution. Which is extremely unlikely to happen. People are given enough distractions to not care, I feel.

Suppose there's a couple of ways to look at it then, either it's the responsibility of those who are aware of the benefits of censorship proof means of trade to educate and bring awareness to those who don't know/care so much. The other train of thought is the 1% rule. It's an odd example but here in the UK only a small % of people consume Halal only meat, yet in some cases 70% of the products sold are Halal friendly. This is because the meat industry realises the 99% who don't care will eat it whatever the case, so the seemingly insignificant smaller % of people actually get their way.

Azat-Mingalimov Автор вопроса

I kinda don't see massess overcoming their apathy and concerning themselves with these things. Older generations straight up don't care, and younger generations are so distracted by entertainment they are not concerned with real world issues at all. That's my feeling from all of the different people I met and talked with. Meaning even when I mention the importance of these things to people, all I see is indifference. And the meat example is hardly applicable, because it doesn't affect the profits of the meat industry. Free money is kind of the biggest revolution possible in society, it's a control shift that world has never seen - it threatens profits and power directly, so it can not be allowed to exist even in parallel with CBDCs.

The meat example is part of a bigger psychological theory, meaning that if big stores, such as Amazon (or payment middle man like paypal or whatnot), can make that extra 1% of their profits by accepting and embracing crypto, they'll do it.

Azat-Mingalimov Автор вопроса

Well, if powers that be could benefit from freedom...🙂 They would allow it, probably))) But exploiters can not benefit from ceasing exploitation, so whatever is allowed will benefit the wealthy and powerful, but not people.

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