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Hi TG SafeMoon Main'ers ! First of all, I would like

to apologize for the lack of communication this chan has had to deal with regarding the recent lockdown.
Here are some explanations about the reasons, what will the future be, and how will we build it with you.

As SafeMoon is becoming a bigger Company, a lot of new restructuring is taking place within to help things run smoother.

Some of changes will be new to you all but in order for SafeMoon to function better, we will ALL need to embrace the new system for the betterment of ALL. 🔥

The Team has put in much time and effort for months to make certain decisions carefully and with great thought. One of the decisions is outlined below and we request your understanding and cooperation on the matter. 🙏


The International channels will shift to our new International Discord and Main SafeMoon channel/SafeMoon Technical Analysis will shift to the current Discord server (English-speaking Discord).

This will allow the International Discord to be the central point of all our non-english speaking communities, and the actual Discord to be the central point for the english-talking members. 👈

All the Safemoon International groups on telegram will be locked soon and put in read-only mode. Dates will be given as soon as we have them.

The Main SafeMoon channel is already locked, as you can already join a Main chan on our established English Discord server (details under).
The SafeMoon Technical Analysis will follow in a later phase. An announcement will be posted with a date of migration.

‘Announcements’ on the designated telegram groups will continue as usual, so no worries there.

Please download the Discord APP from play-store and Apple-Store and join the ENG Main discord.

Discord App link:
🤖 :https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.discord
🍏 :https://apps.apple.com/us/app/discord-talk-chat-hangout/id985746746

Once you have downloaded the above App please use the link below to Join SafeMoon on Discord:

The Team have decided to do this in the best interest and PROTECTION of all the members worldwide because Discord is less prone to scams than Telegram and Discord is also easier for the Team to manage as they are already based on it

In the crypto world, Discord is a much more professional way to disseminate information as it has many more tools than Telegram to help teach you.

For those who are new to Discord, we understand that it will require some time and effort for you to learn a new platform but it will be safer and worth it in the long run. We too must evolve with Crypto. We Mods also have to learn Discord as many of us have not used it before.

However, in the effort to support the Team and make it easier for Safemoon as a company, we understand it is much easier to have one centralised base to oversee and given the tools available on Discord – Discord is the best choice and way forward.

We truly apologise for any inconvenience this may cause you but trust that you too will see the greater benefits once you start using Discord. It will take some time for you to learn but will be worth it in the long run.

We are working on some helping material, for the mods but also for you. We will provide them as soon as they are ready to be released.
In the meantime, the English-speaking Discord has already an incredible userbase that will be ready to help you for any concerns.

A VC will be held this Sunday on this TG channel by some members of the moderation team. 💬💬
When? After the MoonCast of this Sunday 3rd Octobre.

Do not hesitate to join for further information !

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