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For those who are new and have not seen the

market hostility to Hedera before, welcome...Just keep on doing your research, Hedera is developing faster than any other platform, but much of its development is happening in-house by various potential users. Following "breadcrumbs" usually yields no marketable information, but can tell you where to focus your attention... @Beathaven has posted lots of well founded breadcrumbs here...

This morning I've been wondering speculatively about the implications of Hedera's Smart Contract improvements (which are not yet implemented), which include optimized Solidity contracts and integration with Hyperledger Besu, which is basically a re-developed Ethereum client, if I understand correctly (Hedera can already serve as a "Ordering service" or consensus for Hyperledger Fabric)...

JP Morgan began exploring blockchain about 5 years ago and developed Quorum, which was a private Ethereum client. But they offloaded Quorum to ConsenSys last year (after hinting about doing so for two years). ConsenSys developed Hyperledger Besu (written in Java like the original Hedera base protocol) which is now a part of the open-source Hyperledger family, and probably the future for ConsenSys, according to the linked article.

JP Morgan meanwhile is developing their DLT solutions under the brand name Onyx and give no hint of their underlying technology, although it seems they are developing in several directions. One of their main developments is a private stablecoin JPMcoin, used for rapid tokenized settlements. Kadena's "braided chains" were developed under JP Morgan, and made big claims to 480k tps. But JPMorgan offloaded them too... So what is JP Morgan developing now? Do the new Hedera services provide the infrastructure they need to adapt what they have to Hedera?


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PauL-Bjerk Автор вопроса

See also above speculative thread from last week... It would make no sense for BIS to build a fast cross border payment system on slow expensive Ethereum (but it makes perfect sense to market a link to Ethereum's well-founded and well-deserved reputation)... And don't you think JPMorgan would want to be on a related platform for easy integration with its own DLT initiatives?... Most JPMorgan's DLT experiments have been happening in Asia.

Dude page 3 literally says built on enterprise Ethereum

PauL-Bjerk Автор вопроса

Enterprise Ethereum is a completely different thing than Ethereum

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