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Does anybody know where it might have disappeared to?

17 ответов

14 просмотров

Check your tx history

Mike-Zacharias Автор вопроса

Hi, I’ve noticed today my was actually sent to another an address yesterday morning. I didn’t store my phrases on line or on any digital devices. Written down on paper and kept safe but here I am. Looks as though I may have been hacked and robbed somehow.

Goodness bro...this is too bad.

Can you confirm that this isn't an old wallet you own?

shit man, that sucks to hear

search your wallet address (on receive tab) in the cardano explorer to see your balance

Mike-Zacharias Автор вопроса

Feel like I’ve been punched in the gut haha

Mike-Zacharias Автор вопроса

The wallet is literally around a month old, Set up via my iPhone and not logged into on my desktop computer. I’m just annoyed that I know in haven’t saved the seed phrases anywhere other than a piece of paper in the safe.

I would search your wallet address the blockchain explorer directly, in the hope your yoroi wallet is out of sync.

Mike-Zacharias Автор вопроса

Yes brother! That was set to be my retirement fund. Passive income once Ada hit its peak in the future.

Yeah, that was my advice too, or through cardanoscan...can we check through cardanoscan, Armeanio?

Does the other address it now sits in have a lot of transactions?

Yes when there is an issue with a wallet, the blockchain explorer is the place to start.

Mike-Zacharias Автор вопроса

I will check it all out a little later on when I’m on the desktop. I’m going to have to educate myself on looking at other peoples addresses to see what transactions have taken place.

You can send me your wallet address too and I can have a look, no guarantees I can do anything but I've found a bit of ERG for people

Mike-Zacharias Автор вопроса

I will contact them later on to see if they have my Ada but I’m under the impression they would have no power to take crypto away from my wallet.

They dont. There is even an instruction in yoroi wallet that if you cant see your tokens, then probably you have to sync with the blockchain. The other way to so it fast and safely is to type in your wallet address into cardanoscan.io search bar. Thats it. Fast and safe. You can do it yourself btw

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