209 похожих чатов

Polygon? Filecoin? Arweave? I hope I'm not violating any of the

chat guidelines, I'd just like to have a bit of perspective on our niche

9 ответов

7 просмотров

Hey Jacob, in regards to competitors, Cartesi is a unique project in a certain way. Some projects have a similar protocol for off-chain computation that involves an interactive dispute resolution (verification game). However, in our case, we have different choices of virtual machine architecture and cryptoeconomic incentives in order to fulfill our vision. Namely, to provide DApp developers with a wealth of software infrastructure already available for Linux. In that respect, there's no project that is similar to Cartesi currently.

0xKelz- Автор вопроса

This is great to hear, thanks for the response 🥂

My pleasure! Do not hesitate to ask more about it. ✨

a more comparable competitor is Arbitrum. However, Cartesi has lots of advantages over it.

TrueBit and Aleph.im.

TrueBit and Aleph.

truebit token itself is quite useless with no marketing either

Would there token be used to reward verifiers

The layer 2 ecosystem is very early and CTSI will be on top of it very soon

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