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Sorry for my ignorance, can someone please explain the ETH

bridge and how that works? Thanks!!

19 ответов

4 просмотра


Canada Ape- Автор вопроса

Do I need to do anything to transfer my BSC BabyDoge or ... ? Thanks

No. The bridge is simply for people who only trade on ETH with erc20 tokens. It gives them a way to buy BabyDoge

Canada Ape- Автор вопроса


so basically people who'll invest on Ethereum chain will get baby doge erc20 ?

Yes but it will be using our supply from BSC

then no big price change is gonna occur because Ethereum gas fees are lethal and our supply is illegal

we have the biggest supply out of any crypto in the world

I think you are illegal 🙄

when you buy Eth coins you tend to hold them because of the Gas fees, at least that has been my experience ... also lots of big players in ETH. I'm excited about it!

Some people are not able to buy BNB because of where they are located, some other people seem to only swear by ETH and they don’t care about the gas fee

yes this is true, when you see bright future the gas fee is a drop in the bucket

It is not like the bridge will have BabyDoge deployed on the etherum network, it is just a way to allow an easy buy from Erc20 tokens to BabyDoge... Since that platform already exist! Why not just educate people to use that like the same way they are guiding them to use PancakeSwap...

They are not Audited

Bro we cannot force everyone to use fibswap. We should give them some choice too. After Etherium bridge we can get some listings. So people can buy Babydoge on their favourite or easy way☺️👍

I haven't checked that but their dex works perfectly! Even used it today to swap ETH=>BabyDoge

As I said not Audited. Meaning potential exploit or security issues

It is better to avoid using that next time bro. But anyways it's your choice☺️

They actually got their smart contract audited! Anyway even the most secure exchange platforms sometimes get security breaches. By the way I was just pointing an easy way to buy BabyDoge with ETH or any Erc20 tokens.

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