i got hoes in different area codes
can be mint?
there is a clear source that xvg is compliant iso20021 so we can claim it is true?
Hallo anyone else retarded?
my Android verge wallet stopped working, it doesn't update anymore after July / 2023 the change doesn't make it in Android 9, what now?
1 - Other exchanges have no value and will not. You are even against joining coinbase We are not in Kraken either. 2 - I do not know who the community is, but people paid as ...
But investors are selling 😅 or what do you think is happening?
Hi guys ...what is happen with. XVG wallet on play store app?
Hello everyone, I may be very late, but I have a very simple question: Why are Pornhub, Brazzers, and MindGeek no longer listed in the "vendors" section on the website www.ver...
Hello, who is stupid dev who make Verge android wallet? Fucking wallet not have receive and send button
https://w04qocq6ivc.typeform.com/to/rqNM2Tsi?typeform-source=youtube.com Einmal Alle erste 2 pages bestehende coins aussuchen und auf der 3. Seite verge hinzufügen Danke!
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