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According to the growth of Bit, Nano Allan should be

$ 14, and why are its coins available and it does not burn power?

1 ответов

9 просмотров

Not completely sure what you mean here but I'll give it a try... Nano's growth and Bitcoins growth don't have to be the same. Looking at a year back, nano is up more than Bitcoin though so I don't know any you think nano should be $14? All coins of nano were created from the start and given away via captcha faucets. A large portion of the coins that were not given away were sent to a burn address that is mathematically impossible to access and programmed to not be able to sent funds. It doesn't use much energy because it has a different consensus mechanism than other coins, one that doesn't require pow. Currently, nano uses a small bit of pow as a spam prevention mechanism, which is planned to be removed soon which will mean that transactions basically don't have energy cost at all. An environmentally friendly way of sending and receiving funds :)

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