210 похожих чатов

Funniest thing of Today :- victims are thinking this is

fake pump 😂🤣 @Cameron111111

What do you say cam?

They noobs are thinking someone put 400M in fake pump lol 🤣

This is just beginning 🌝

And team will not repeat the same repeg mistake again.

3 ответов

14 просмотров

Let them keep thinking 🤣 I know team did some mistakes with repeg but it was just bad time. Holders will not regret and we always told to hold tAssets instead selling in loss. 🙂

Thor (I will Never PM First)
Let them keep thinking 🤣 I know team did some mis...

Proof will be in the pudding! I hope this will be true. When the re-peg is 1:1 again. I eat my words🙄

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