210 похожих чатов

Hi Neo Fans, can anyone tell me why Neo3 is

not generating a lot of gas ? After 1 month I got 0.6 gas what normally should be 8-9 gas ?

3 ответов

7 просмотров

You would need to vote to earn way more gas. Guide to governance on Neo N3: Vote and earn GAS https://youtu.be/qEMg9MzziqY

Dan- Автор вопроса
John Ricci
You would need to vote to earn way more gas. Gui...

Thanks. I only use the new Neonwallet. Do I need to download Neo line or O3 as well ?

Dan- Автор вопроса
Thanks. I only use the new Neonwallet. Do I need t...

I thought the Neonwallet would do this as well. Was not aware that you must have only Neo line or O3. Thanks to lemme know

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