210 похожих чатов

Не кажется ли вам что вашему проекту как узконаправленному будет

очень тяжело пробиться в криптовалютной сфере?

2 ответов

11 просмотров

2) Don't you think that it will be quite difficult for ARPA as a narrowly focused project to develop in crypto? Do you have any thoughts on this?

2) Don't you think that it will be quite difficult...

I don't think so, crypto is much more than just DeFi. It will evolve as we have more powerful blockchains such as DFINITY and Polkadot, where data becomes more available. NFT is still at early stage, and our new product RANCAST can supply verifiable randomness to NFT projects, such as picking winner at lottery, NFT minting and fair launch etc. RANDCAST is much cheaper than Chainlink VRF. We believe the usage will be powerful.

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