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How about tko lock? I Still cant lock my tko.

I've sold my tko at idr 100million, if tko still cant lock, i'll sell more...

12 ответов

8 просмотров

use moonfarm to lock

CEO confirmed it will be available by mid oct

CEO confirmed it will be available by mid oct

Where you get that info? On twitter?

Where you get that info? On twitter?

Mr.Kai AMA yesterday on discord

Thanks mate, i see fews good news this month

Thanks mate, i see fews good news this month

This quarter, launchpool will kick in

You send to binance than saving apy 0.5%

This quarter, launchpool will kick in

I don't expect much, just need staking my coins

Stay tuned

I don't expect much, just need staking my coins

Launchpool kinda like staking but instead got tko ull get new coin with pre launched price with proportion of ur TKO commited

I don't expect much, just need staking my coins

Same mate, staking TKO is my most priority right now 😂

CEO confirmed it will be available by mid oct

Some people say it mid - oct .. but no update

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