212 похожих чатов

I read a lot of suggestions to dev team, by

mdx holders, last weeks.
But, I ask myself, what of them is dev team really working to and what are the priorities?
I think would be very nice if admins message a periodical statement, biweekly for istance, updating mdx holders.
Just I want to summarize some issues I remind :
1. A nft games platform will be introduced ? If it's, roughly when ?
2. Is already dev team working to technological implementations as autocompounding and limit orders ?. And, It will take weeks or months to lay them down ?
3. Crosschain mdx presence. I understood it's already in the pipeline. But is there a time planning scheduled for eth/solana/polygon ?
4. Listing to Coinbase and, generally speaking, to more cexes. Have discussions been started with some cex already ? Have been planned meetings ?
I'll appreciate a lot if my questions have answers. Thanks

4 ответов

16 просмотров

1. Nft is not yet planned. If any updates shall let you know. 2. Auto compounding is not possible atm due to smart contracts. 3. Cross chain eth is already being implemented. Others are in pipeline. 4. About future listings we cannot comment anything until it’s officially announced. Just follow our announcement channel for all the updates https://t.me/MixDexAnn :)

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