currency should I use to buy it?
ILV Token: 0x767fe9edc9e0df98e07454847909b5e959d7ca0e ETH/ILV SLP Token: 0x6a091a3406e0073c3cd6340122143009adac0eda sILV Token: 0x398aea1c9ceb7de800284bb399a15e0efe5a9ec2
We recommend buying ILV on Binance, Kucoin or the main DEX here: <> After acquiring your ILV, make sure to add the ILV token to your wallet. You can find the contract address at <> and in the case of MetaMask, you can just click on the Fox next to the contract address to add the token. Here is a video that goes into detail how to buy ILV and stake it afterwards: <>
Binance and Kucoin for your choice
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