209 похожих чатов

Can someone kindly help me out with this... Does the slippage

you use determines the BDC additions you'll be getting as you hold?

8 ответов

4 просмотра

Slippage determines the range of price of token when purchasing

Sherry 🍒- Автор вопроса
Reflections Baby™
Slippage determines the range of price of token wh...

Can you come again please.. sorry Maybe an example will do, if you don't mind

Sherry 🍒
Can you come again please.. sorry Maybe an examp...

I can explain to you in voice chat if you would like

Sherry 🍒- Автор вопроса
Sherry 🍒
Can you come again please.. sorry Maybe an examp...

If you bought babydogecoin from an exchange you'll only receive reflections on that particular exchange if they support tokenomics and it'll be distributed monthly. You can find out from each exchange. But on pancakeswap you'll be receiving continuous reflections on all transactions including transfer made on the BSC chain in real-time. You can check your reflections on moonscan.net and track wallet at https://track.babydogecoin.com Visit Babydoge.com for more information and read our pinned messages for important information Slippage has no affect on reflections.

Sherry 🍒- Автор вопроса
Sherry 🍒
Okay, thank you very much. Well understood

You're welcome. Thank you for the reflections. 😆

Sherry 🍒- Автор вопроса

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