209 похожих чатов

I feel like we just went thru another fantastic growth

spurt just to be sabotaged by false promises from BDF.....again...... Ppl want things when promised or an explanation when it's not delivered. What is it 3 or 4 days past when eth was supposed to be finished and up?
Maybe stop announcing things and just surprising us with finished product that way we stop crashing all the time when things aren't finished when stated

2 ответов

11 просмотров

He does have a right. But fud is fud. Intentional or not its fud. Ok. Let me explain this. Crypto is not stocks. Crypto is far more affected by emotion than intrinsic value. Hes upset is fine. But when he takes to media and starts dropping baseless accusation with no research he is influincing the market. In fact making the dip last longer and ho deeper. Making it worse. Not helping it. This is why admins tend to delete those kinds of posts. Its not censoring negativity its them trying to mitigate the dip.

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