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I have had Nano for a few months now and

I do not see any expansion in Nano, isn't it a few months long? Shouldn't Nano return to its previous price during this period and continue its upward trend?

10 ответов

10 просмотров

It might, I do think it will at some point. But for now it's mostly Bitcoin and Ethereum in the spotlight price-wise

3 years for me, diversify your portfolio, just live your life and relax 😎

Mohamdreza- Автор вопроса
3 years for me, diversify your portfolio, just liv...

Agreed!😁 Living and relaxing is much easier with some diversification and a long-term mindset👏

Can you explain more?

If you want instant profit, look into other projects as well, just give it time :)

You need to undestand about the basic Casino Crypto Rules: Usually people have around 60/80% in BTC ... the higher this % is supposed to be a safer option (Altseason % can be much lower) The other 40/20% of your portfolio should be diversified into good projects. But stop to think about in dólars...this is a mistake: the game consists of accumulating as many shatoshis as possible you can get... And that is achieved by trading the Altcoins that you think can revalue against to BTC.

I tried to explain as a general rule ... but yes ... each one later has their own way of playing

I tried to explain as a general rule ... but yes ....

It is a good rule that's true! Diversification is the best plan, and I have to say owning majority BTC is probably the least stressful for most people because it has proven itself to reach new ath's each time. For me nano is less stressful because I know what its potential is over time. I'm afraid at some point btc's fees and mining will be problematic. But that's my personal take, to each their own :)

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