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With the uptrend, Nano can attract many investors in today's

market and achieve its long-term goals. So what is procrastinating at this time when it is time to grow and become stronger?

1 ответов

9 просмотров

It's not procrastinating. Look at it this way. You would like to have a lot of smaller investors invest in nano and get it hyped so the price shoots up short term. Then you can cash out to dollar before the price drops again. Goal: Short term dollar value gain. But the NF is looking at finding use cases for nano, helping businesses integrate nano so that nano grows long term. That way nano can become a standard currency that is globally used and accepted for many different things. When nano is integrated into different businesses and use cases, it keeps getting used and won't fade away, no matter what cycle the market is in or what price it is valued at. Goal: Make nano a globally used currency with actual use cases. It just depends on how you look at it and what you want. Either is understandable. But the problem that you find here is that the goal of the Nano Foundation does not align with the goal of many small term investors. That's why, if you're invested for short term, you might be disappointed about the price action, and why I myself don't care as much because I'm in it for the long term.

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