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You can change your vote anytime.

M- Автор вопроса
John Ricci
You can change your vote anytime.

How can you do that? I’m using quickvote app with NEON wallet. Ty

How can you do that? I’m using quickvote app with ...

Like Lex mentioned, just vote again.Simple as that.

M- Автор вопроса
Lex Mochi
just vote again

I tried. Failed transaction keeps appearing

M- Автор вопроса
Lex Mochi
have you update your neon ?

It worked. I just tried again. Ty

M- Автор вопроса

@M, can you share couple steps on you did that with Ledger? I don't see the function anywhere

M- Автор вопроса

Connect quickvote Dapp to NEON wallet. Once connected, put in who you want to vote for and hit the vote button. Then you will have to complete a function in the NEON wallet and then Ledger. Let me know if you have anymore questions.

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