210 похожих чатов

Guuyyys!! please help, ive repaid my borrow, bu my borrow

is still shooows there, i didnt recive my founds and my coollectural is gone, what shoul i do??

6 ответов

9 просмотров

Did you look on bscscan?

Y-CapitaN Автор вопроса
Did you look on bscscan?

yes! the transaction is success

Y CapitaN
yes! the transaction is success

When you check your wallet on Bscscan, does your funds appear to have been withdrawn or transferred?

Y-CapitaN Автор вопроса
NoOneVII | Serhan |
When you check your wallet on Bscscan, does your f...

yes it's shows that it has been transferred successfully

@mikem27 Can you help mate?

Y-CapitaN Автор вопроса

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