209 похожих чатов

I understand the 10% discount on sale, but what I

can't understand is why they discount 10% when withdrawal to another wallet?????

6 ответов

11 просмотров

That is a fee on any transaction buy sell or transfer

Me too. I hope they turn that off in the future. For now, I guess the token can use the extra burning.

BabyDoge Alpha Male® .
That is a fee on any transaction buy sell or trans...

We know. He (we) are just wondering why the 10% fee is put onto transfers. What if you want to gift bdc to someone or move your babydoge to a safer wallet? I'm hoping that the fee on transfers gets turned off in the future. Can that be done while still having the 10% fee on sales and purchases?

Norman A
We know. He (we) are just wondering why the 10% fe...

Turning off is a developer decision. We cannot answer you now. Maybe he will maybe he wont.

Norman A
Thanks for the reply.

You are always welcome to ask.

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