210 похожих чатов

We'Ve been alpha and beta testing Sergey's dumps this whole

time? Dustin why didn't you tell us this earlier? Are you working with Doug?

11 ответов

4 просмотра

If you know you’re part of the expiriment, it can change the data sets.

To be fair, we are all kings of the mice in the expiriment. Imagine if you were a lab mouse that held ADA.

To be fair, we are all kings of the mice in the ex...

would have made some pretty tasty gains to rotate into stinky links by now

iAmSilky- Автор вопроса
To be fair, we are all kings of the mice in the ex...

I don't know but it feels like I've been swimming for an eternity. Don't know how long I can stay afloat

I don't know but it feels like I've been swimming ...

I bet we get some news that actually pumps us soon. we have been waiting for 1.0.0 forever, and its at the same time that CCIP, SIbos, Fraud network are talked about

I don't know but it feels like I've been swimming ...

Stinky $LINK keeps sinking before our eyes. Titanic.

Lemme guess 2 weeks?

In two weeks Sergey will announce big news, certainly.

Lemme guess 2 weeks?

I would bet before weeks end we hear something, but thats also my destroyed soul hoping for something

cant kill what is already dead

cant kill what is already dead

In his house at R'lyeh dead Cthulhu waits dreaming

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