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Someone claims that our volume was created by robot. How

you guys think like?

2 ответов

11 просмотров

I have two comments. 1. Yes, most volume is from bots. It's called arbitrage :) We have a lot of people using bots on our platform. We even created a bot for everyone to use - https://github.com/perpetual-protocol/perp-arbitrageur/ 2. This guy forgot something important... Perpetual was number one in trading volumes until dYdX opened trading in August. This is somewhat counterintuitive. In theory, the volume of transactions under AMM should not exceed the order book, especially if Perpetual came online later than dYdX. Therefore, there is reason to doubt the authenticity of the data. ...there were no good order book DEXs before dYdX launched on Starkware, and even then no one cared about them until they launched a token and airdrop mining or whatever it was. Order book DEXs on L1 are useless due to insane gas fees. So this writer missed some key factors.

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